God'spower Geeflex Ugadu
2 min readMar 3, 2022

Yes, I’m tired

Been stressed out this week

I wish I could get as much rest as I need this weekend but; I can’t get it.

I wasn’t in the mood to create any content; somehow I was reminded of my goals and daily targets.

Then I opened my system again, went to my Grammarly assistant and started typing.

Somehow I was able to put this together.

This is to teach a lesson that if you have a target or goal in life; then you will always have a reason to not give up

If I didn’t have those daily goals in place, maybe I won’t be writing this piece.

So ask yourself, “What are my goals daily?”

I did a video with my friend talking about goals and yearly resolutions.

I told him I prefer to set long term goals and short term goals

That’s how I achieve whatever I put my mind to do

You need a goal for each day. These goals will help you know what to do par time.

I’m not saying something to fill up my pages but a piece of advice to you reading this post.

Anyways, that’s that about that.

How was your day?

Let me ask you this question — “Do you have a business online?”

If you do, Congratulations!

If you don’t, “Why not yet?”

If you don’t have, then you need to get this book talking titled “3 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE IN NIGERIA.”

Guess what, it is free. All you have to do is send me a message on Whatsapp and; get your free copy.






God'spower Geeflex Ugadu

I’m a Content Writer, Information Marketer & Affiliate Marketer. I share information that helps people make money online. I’m a giver of Advices That Cost $0.00